The European Court of Justice recently ruled that fluoridated water is a medicine and is may not be used for food preparation (Doug Cross, "Europeans Ban Fluoridated Water,"
Well Being Journal vol. 18 No. 6 (2009): 23). Food products made with fluoridated water can't be exported between EU states without a medicinal license, even if legal in the country of origin (ibid). Further, processed foods from outside the EU cannot be market if they contain fluoridated water (ibid).... The decision effectively bans all processed food products coming from countries such as the USA, Australia and New Zealand unless they can be proven to have prepared using only water that is not fluoridated (ibid).
According to the New York State Department of Health website, fluoridated water has been proven to help in tooth decay. The website sates that "community water fluoridation benefits everyone in the community" (New York State, " Fluoridation in New York State: Benefits," n.d.,
Interestingly, studies show that excess fluoride has been linked to hormone disruption, thyroid problem, weakened bones, reproductive and developmental system damage, neurotoxicity hormonal distription and bone cancer. 2/3 of Americans and their pets drink water that has been artificially fluoridated on the grounds that it improves dental health. Fluoride is also found in foods that have been ground in high-fluoridated soils. Once ingested with food or water, fluoride accumulates in the bones (ibid).
8 out of 10 national dog food brands contain fluoride in the amounts up to 2.5 x higher than the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) allows for human drinking water standards (Environmental Working Group, "Fluoride in Dog Food," n.d., This website recommends avoiding dog food brands that include any chicken by-product, poultry by-product meal, chicken meal and beef and bone meal...this "meal" typically is made from ground bones, cooked with steam, dried and mashed to make inexpensive dog food filler and is typically a a source of excess fluoride.
If you notice, water brands like poland springs sell water that promotes added fluoride to help teeth. New York City fluorinates its water as do most other cities.