Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I just love Summer: Lobsta

Surprisingly I didn't have lobster all summer until this past weekend.  This is a first for me as I LOVE lobster.  The Vineyard time was filled with clamming and crabbing and fishing - no lobster, but in Old Lyme I finally had my traditional lobster feast.

These lobsters were caught during their molting season so they were soft shell lobsters, similar to the soft shell crab and were delicious.  The neatest part was that we didn't need lobster claws to crack the shells, because their shells were soft, we could just crush them with our hands.  The summer market near Old Lyme steams them (perfectly, I might add) for you, so all you have to do is melt the butter and sit down to the table.  I usually love butter with my lobster meat, however, these were so soft and succulent I dipped not a single piece in the butter sitting next to my lobster.

We went traditional all the way.  We shucked corn, slathered it with pesto and wrapped it in tin-foil and threw it on the grill.

We took out our mini Cuisinart and threw together a quick salad dressing: a clove of garlic (obviously), the juice of 1 lemon, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, salt and pepper, and a large handful of fresh herbs from the herb garden.  We then tossed is with a bunch of Mesclun lettuce and some pieces of goat cheese.

One thing I love about my friends is that they love vegetables as much as I do.  We can have a complete meal consisting of a grain and a ton of vegetables with a salad.   None of us are huge meat-eaters so light fishes and loads of vegetables make our dinner parties colorful and delicious.

Our meal was perfectly summer light paired with delicious crisp, white wine and lots of laughing.  I should add the two of the three dogs (the Terriers) were trying to hurl their bodies into the bucket of lobster shells throughout the meal.

1 comment:

  1. That salad looks good. I love olives and for some reason forget to add them to salads. Silly right?
